Sunday, April 29, 2012

Daily Trusting

Dreams, they come and plans they change and we're going to break when things don't go the way that we originally thought that they were. But those things we face, those challenges that push us to our limits make us who we are. Yet, even when you feel like you are down and out for the count here is the awesome thing to remember that you are still a star shining in the dark because you are still pushing, you still are going and you are relying not on yourself but on the One who knows you best and who will lead you in a direction that is planed for you; you're light source, and guide through life's challenges and that my friends is our Heavenly Father. 
But, you know life sometimes just doesn't go the way that you planned and we all have days when we just don't understand, searching for meaning and its not always easy. Remember though that your story's not over, its still being told because its been written out for you by the One who created you and who loves you so hold on, hold on to that dream whatever it may be and remember that your sunrise is coming no matter how dark life may appear to you. Know that the night can only last for so long. Whatever you're facing if your heart is breaking there is a promise for the ones who just hold on so look up and lift up your eyes and see the sun is rising. Life is about ups and downs, highs and lows and you're going to go through them but you don't have to be afraid because He says
"I am with you" and in those moments when you are feeling so weak you feel like stopping let the hope you have light the road you are walking. Even if for right now you can't imagine how you will ever find your way out, and especially, especially when you are drowning in your doubt just look beyond the clouds because the sun it's rising and its shining brighter than ever before for you.

I say these things after going through some of my old photos and old journals and finding that even when I struggle and thought that where I was, wasn't where I was suppose to be; God was there leading me through it all even when it felt like he wasn't, he was. Yes, doubts ran through my head of is this the right place, the right time, is this where I'm suppose to be, is this the right thing you want me to do? So many questions, so many ifs that continually ran through my head through these struggles. I'm not saying that I am over these hard times, no in fact I'm far from it but I have found though that it has become easier to handle because with each new obstacle in my life I am learning to trust and rely on God and his will for my life daily; with each baby step that I take.

One of the pictures that I took out and looked at was from seven years ago it was in the summer when life just seemed so easy, so free, where I often dreamed in love and oh how sometimes I wish I could go back to those times. I look at the picture again and I smile at the memory, and the girl in the picture is smiling right back at me, and I see blond hair and bright eyes, a heart full of laughter with nothing to lose and that's how I remember the days when life did seem to be much simpler and more put together than they do now. I think back and it was those times when I was free and I dared to believe that I could do something in this world to change it and at times I still do, but I fall and it hurts but deep down I'm still that girl even when life does continually drag me down; I just need to remember that I'm still holding onto that dream of changing this world. Because even when I feel like I may not understand why at this certain time I'm going through these doubts, these uncertainties, and hardships I need to remember and ask myself what if the picture is bigger than I see it? Because we think so small compared to the God who created everything and who knows you, and knows EVERYTHING about you and He just has you right where he wants you and needs you to be; slow down and listen to your heart He's telling you with every beat that you're story isn't over and that there is a new sunrise and a new beginning after each chapter or season in your life. 

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10

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