Friday, February 3, 2012

A Beautiful Miracle

A question that has always been in I feel like most of our minds when it comes to our relationship with God is, am I putting God in a little corner, or am I inviting him to the flow? I understand that we live in a crazy world where there just never seems to be enough time in a day to get everything completed, but let me tell you an awesome little secret about God, he'll go anywhere. That doesn't mean that we should belittle him, no in fact it should have the opposite effect. ANYWHERE you go he goes too, any bump in the road any wrong turn, any blessing, any heartache he is there with you!

"All this time
From the first tear cry
To today's sunrise
And every single moment between
You were there
You were always there
It was You and I
You've been walking with me all this time"
Britt Nicole
When Jesus is involved in the equation there is always the possibility for a miracle, there is never a moment where God says I can't work with that; it's never too late with Jesus. Your story is never done, Jesus can pull out the very best for you so don't ever lose hope! Its never over till God says it is, we just need to let him work in HIS TIME not ours. That is what is hard I feel like and where we often put God into the little corner because we want things to work now, to be fixed now right when we need it. But, that's not how God works he uses these times of waiting to pull us back to him to trust and rely on him rather than our own ability and want for control. 

He wants followers who will not give up on him when the miracle doesn't happen the day that you want it to; for he won't ever give up on us. I find myself in those moments forgetting that the best is yet to come from him and that the miracles of God are free and they are BEAUTIFUL! The miracle of miracles however, is Jesus and when he was raised from the dead on the third day as a victor of death, and we were raised from the dead when we chose to accept Christ. We have nothing to fear for he has already conquered everything, he has overcome the world. “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). He told us these things so that people, you, me, everyone can walk away from whatever we may be going through turn to him and say "I BELIEVE!"

So a question that I'm going to leave you with is are you inviting Christ into the flow of your life? Remember that God works in our waiting, we need to wait with him. We are not waiting alone we are embraced with Christ and we are waiting together so let's go see what he has in store.

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